How humans cheated death

Man has a lot in common with animals, many animals recognize the self, many can think, many can learn, some are more intelligent and many can acquire knowledge. Then why is man so special. So special that he can rule the world. The secret is language. Man has a unique and developed language that allows him to share knowledge with others. This is not unique in itself, but the amount of communication and the different types of communication, is what makes us different. This allows man to accumulate knowledge over generations, while other species lose almost everything they know when individuals die. So lets talk about rebirth of the mind and the body.

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Rebirth of the mind.

When humans communicate their consciousness,which is ideas, opinions and feelings that are translated into language, is uploaded to others. All these parts makes up a copy your consciousness. Over time the amount of people you speak to and the amount that you pas on, accumulates in society. This becomes a image of your consciousness. All the small pieces, makes up a version of you. As you change, your changes also gets uploaded, they live on in others, in books and in arts. They may take on an entirely different form. A book may become a film or a completely different book. When your body die, the copy of your consciousness lives on in others. It creates thought, encounters feelings of the holders and can make the world a better place. Actually, it's already doing this before you die. The only thing that is lost when you die, is your own perception of yourself and your secrets, if you chose to have any of those.

Rebirth of the body

Your body is a copy. A copy of your father and mother. And if it is legal when you read this, you may be a copy of yourself, your fathers or your mothers. The difference between you and them or the difference between you and your cousins, is very small. Even the differences between you and any other humans are very small. You can gamble that your genes already exist and choose not to reproduce. If you have many sisters or brothers, this is likely the case. You can have a mutation that is unique for you. Any way of transferring your genome will result in a blended copy of your body's makeup. This copy is part you and part the other person.  By making two or more children, the probability of this part being reborn is very high. To make sure your copies don't die, you need to teach them the survival skills, that they will need to reproduce and bring up children of their own. It's a important that your generation don't use to many of the resources, so that your consciousness and body have the possibility to live forever. You also relying on different biological makeups of humans to exist as a insurance against plagues and climate change. If you mix with a person that have different genes, it's more likely your child will have a composition that is better than the original. Then your reincarnation, has a higher probability to spread in a environment of selection and to have traits that aids survival.

Digging deeper...

Involuntary transfer of consciousness

You don't have to speak or write to transfer your consciousness. Every interaction you do, gets transferred. When you walk past a stranger in the street and you chose to pass him on the right side, you have communicated to him that passing on the right side is what you think is correct. He also notices what clothes you have and what the expression on your face has. How you react to him. All this information, is stored into his mind and may even influence his decisions later in life. Maybe next time he passes someone, he will also choose to pas them on the right. Maybe he liked your shoes and bought similar ones.

How the collective bank of consciousness grows

As you upload you also download. Your consciousness is a collection of previous consciousnesses that existed before your present, they are mixed with your own ideas and perception of these. In order for your consciousness to compete with others in the long run, it has to add to the total of ideas or find significant links between the existing ones. It can only survive in the long run if it's correct and testable. As we can prove that the earth is circular, the idea of it being flat, is slowly dying. Many of our forefathers, exist in the accumulated knowledge we have today.


Your acts, influences the bias of your uploaded consciousness. If you do bad things or say immoral things your consciousness will become negatively biased. Bias is important to how your consciousness is treated later on. If a person has a negative bias of you it's more likely he will not pass it on to others, even if the thought is good. A good example of this happening is dictator of a state that commits murder of a part of his people. The intention may be to make insure peace and wealth, but the act itself causes a great bias against the leader. He will not be remembered as good and many of hes other ideas will be disregarded or biased as well. This will cause him to loose the ability to upload his capaciousness. When he die he won't be remembered for who he was. In this example, it shows that being good highly over weigh the intention. It'may also misrepresent it, leading to others not listening. If you have been evil, a biased version of you will be the only thing left when you die. If you have communicated and been good, your thoughts have a happy future. Thou you can never undo a evil act, you can reduce the impact by showing remorse and apologize for it. The act will still haunt you.


By concluding on something, you close your mind to opposing ideas. Some of these ideas are bad and by building with these, you get more questions or even false positives. This is limiting your ability to come up with new lasting ideas, that let your consciousness take a hold in others. To avoid bad bricks you have to test the ones you like and the ones you don't like. Leave the idea open and undecided. You assign some amount of probability to it. This way you can have multiple blocks of knowledge to build logic with. The good blocks are the ones that fit into many explanations, but they don't create any new questions. When a block creates more questions that in turn creates even more questions when answered, in a exponential matter are viruses. Viruses sends you on a endless hunt and the only way to get out is to make a another fake brick, that ends up in a loop. If they create a circle, they are a loop. Loops lock you in a circular track and prevents you from ever coming closer to the real answer. The Book of Bob is true because it's the word of Bob, the word of Bob is infallible because the book of Bob says so, Bob is true because the word of Bob says so, the Book of Bob is true because it's the word of Bob, the word of Bob is infallible because the book of Bob says so, Bob is true because the word of Bob says so.... and so it goes on.

Similar ideas with different variables, using the same building blocks, should results in the same answer. Like swapping him and you in the entirety of the idea. Ideas have a beginning and a end. The better building blocks you find, the better you become in making the good toughs that live on.


Your brain is built up in such a way that you brain defends your older conclusions. It has to do this in order to survive. If it didn't do this, someone could tell you, that you had to chop of your arm in order to cook rice. The conclusion that your arm is important would be erased and you would chop of your arm or starve. It would also endanger many other conclusions, like moving the finger, picking up something, the fact that you cocked rice earlier without loosing the arm and the list goes on. So naturally your brain will resist this, chopping of the arm is ludicrous it says. It finds reasons to not chop of the arm. This also happens to things that are not so important as your arm. It happens to everything you conclude on. If you conclude that the earth is flat, you will have to assume that the sun goes under the ground or under the world in some matter. You build a lot of conclusions on this belief. Examples: You will fall of the edge if you go to far in one direction, the world is small, stars are mounted on a sort of sheet over you as a decoration, and the list goes on. Then when someone tells you that the world is in fact round, the entire network of your conclusion is endangered. This would be incredibly uncomfortable for you and you would look for evidence that keeps all these conclusions alive. The more you are exposed to these.


Religion may limit you ability to make ideas. By letting it have monopoly in a large part of your existence and ideology. It provides you building blocks that are faulty, absolute and unquestionable. Many of them are contradictory, irrational and disproved. The good news is that these building blocks are result of accumulated knowledge. The range of the intentions of these blocks goes form absolute evil to saving mankind. Very few of them actually stems from the religion itself, most of their existence is very well documented to exist a long time before the major religions. Some of these ideas are tens of thousands of years old and have been revised an built on for another thousands of years since they where taken in by these religions. If there is a better more developed revision, you don't need the expired ones. The new revisions have more weight to them. Religion can also endanger your ideas by over writing them with older revisions and in that way delete your idea and kill you in the afterlife. Death is a religious construct and religion causes it to happen. The existence of god does not imply religion, religion implies that god implies that religion is true. That is quite silly. God may exist, thou very unlikely he must be way smarter then the ones in most religions.


Moral comes from the collective amount of consciousnesses you have gathered in your life time, coupled with your own feelings and opinions from your own self. Some of these morals may stem from religions and the religion stems of previously outdated moral. The more feelings of others or self experienced feelings you have, the more morals your are able to have. It's important that your moral is founded on testable facts that are true. If not your acts will be considered bad and lead to bias. You also loose the ability to predict what is immoral to others.

Living in a false society

If you live in a society or travel to a society that is based on irrational conclusions, you sometimes have to balance the risk of bias to truth. If your ideas are very different you have to be careful to not trigger a denial. If you argue and hit denial and your ideas are considered to be bad or immoral. The person you talk to will likely fall deeper into denial, by creating more defense for his conclusions. He may also try to harm you. Your ideas and consciousness have little chance of surviving in these kinds of societies. To balance your security you should try to break down smaller parts of his irrational conclusions and give him a opposing correct conclusion. Make small parts fit into the new opposing one. If you are there for a short time focus on the smallest ones and if you can provide the basis of your conclusion. If you can't safely do this either, focus on some part that leads to the conclusion. Someone else will talk to him later. Over time the new conclusion might outgrow the old one and only then he will accept that the first one was wrong. Historically false societies collapse on themselves, change, slowly dissipate or gets replaced by a new updated one. If the wrong one is dominant it can be overtaken, but if the right one is dominant it tends to stay that way and not change in any way. You wan't to change his bad conclusions to protect the right one. So we can have peace and build further on the right conclusion. 

To be revised...

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